’63/’64 Reunion

The McArthur High School mixed ’63/’64 reunion (45th for the ’64s) was held in June, 2009, at the Pier 66 complex on 17th St. and the Intercoastal. We've all driven by it hundreds of times and it was neat to have a reunion there after having been at other venues over the years. The Friday cocktail party saw some surprise attendees whom I was glad to see (got a new recruit for our monthly dinners), and the Saturday banquet also had some attendees I hadn't seen in a couple of reunions.

I don't have many pictures, and only one's mine, but keep coming back (and send me some, if you were there) as I'll be adding more as I get them.

(click on thumbnail for larger image)

The space below the picture of the reunion committee is too small to list everyone but they need to be recognized for the hard work they've done over many years to get us together for our quintenniel (probably not a real word) gatherings. From left, Lloyd Holden, Al McDonald, Eileen (Brennan) McDonald, Kayla FInk, Donna (Dodds) Bouterse, Ed Levine, Norma (Otten) Trice-Ferrazzo, and onstage at the microphone is Art LoPrinzo. All are ’64 but Ed who is Class of ’63.

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Last updated: 14 August 2011