List of the Missing
Class of ’63
Clearly, no images are yet available. As I obtain them, they will be uploaded.
(* denotes new, 2009)

Diana (Marian) Scalzo *

Thomas Maynard *

Phillip Merett *

George Miller

Wayne Milu

Chuck Mottola

Fred Neff *

Kathy Nicewicz

Fred Osceola

Maryanne (Pagano) DiGregorio

Virginia (Palmer) Sinatra *

Carol (Powers) Renno

Mike Rabuck

Howard Rosenthal

Nancy (Shanley) Gallivan-Tucke *

Max Sharkey *

Dawn Sherer

Barbara Smith

Tony Smothers

Robert Snow

Ron Thomas

Frank Tomsey

Diane (Wells) Dampier

Marilynn Widlak

Sonny Williams *
If you know of someone who should be on this list (but we wish they weren't), please let me know so I can update accordingly. Hardly anyone goes through life without musing, “I wonder where my old friend is now.” With this information we can try to get closure.
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Last updated: 28 April 2016