McArthur High School

Class of ’64

Welcome to the Class of ’64 website. There may be another site for us on the ’net, but I haven’t found it yet, so this is my effort. I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile—I’ve had my own site with my own domain name for several years—so the time seemed right.

The Usual Preliminaries

This is about all that’s recognizable of our alma mater. Some of the newer structure on campus is downright hideous. The classrooms which faced Hollywood Blvd to the left (west) of the auditorium appear to be gone (seems to me most of the English Department classes were held in those rooms). The parking lot to the west of the classrooms which seemed to be the epicenter of the day’s activities is covered with structure and nowhere to be seen. The school we knew essentially doesn’t exist.

All that’s recognizable
(click on image for larger picture)

The Mustang

’The Mustang’ 1964
(click on image for larger picture)

I’ve scanned the cover of the yearbook—you can view it here (at left), while you’re waiting for me to come up with some scintillating Class of ’64 nostalgia stuff. Our stalwart officers can be seen at right. I’ve also scanned and coded the class pictures pages from the yearbook (link below).

Class Officers 1964
(click on image for larger picture)

(Click on tab to go to the yearbook pages)

‘60s McArthur in the 21st Century

What’s So Special About Us?

Fallen Friends

Recent Happenings

We just returned from a semi-formal celebration of our 55th anniversary of graduation. After all the years of organization of previous reunions, the combination of unimaginable effort on the part of Eileen (Brennan) McDonald, Norma (Otten) Trice-Ferrazzo, and Barbara (Ramsey) Ziegenfuss, and the owner of the operation who had managed the previous efforts, all focused their attention to the climax 50th event. The contractor, unfortunately didn’t quite live to see that show, therefore, it was decided to scale down subsequent efforts to a much less structured gathering.

Thus it was that &assymp;45 guests, > half classmates, met in Savannah, GA, for informal (although semi-planned) celebrations of yet another five passages around the sun. The lobby of the Fairfield Inn on Abercorn was filled for three days, local restaurants enjoyed our custom, and a fabulous tour around the historic downtown was conducted (with a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide).

No visit to Savannah is complete without a visit to Paula Dean’s, so Friday evening’s repast was at hour marsh location near Thunderbolt. Saturday’s climax meal was at a pirate themed eatery in downtown, followed, the next morning, with goodbyes and promises in the lobby.

Please make sure Eileen (Brennan) McDonald has your working email address, as our current thinking is we may repeat this kind of gathering in the future, and possibly at an earlier interval.

©2025 All Rights Reserved

Last updated: 27 September 2019